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Common Crimes in Las Vegas

Assault and Battery: Common Charges with Heavy Penalties


Assault and battery are separate, yet closely related, crimes. They are frequently charged in tandem. However, it's possible to be charged simply with assault, which is like attempted battery. If you've been charged with assault and battery, then you need the Las Vegas criminal defense team at the Potter Law Offices to represent you.


In Nevada, NRS 200.471 defines assault while NRS 200.481 defines battery. When someone is accused of assault, no physical contact is necessary. Intentionally making someone else feel threatened is enough to be charged. Battery is intentionally causing another person physical harm.


The penalties for an assault and battery in Las Vegas are severe. A misdemeanor assault that doesn't involve a deadly weapon may lead to a six month jail sentence and a fine of up to $1,000. If a weapon is used during an assault, then it may be charged as a class B felony with fines up to $5,000 and as much as six years in prison. The penalties for battery are similar. However, if the defendant caused significant bodily harm, then they may be looking at as much as 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.



Defaulting on Casino Markers Is Never a Good Idea


Nevada's gaming industry is highly regulated, and a number of state laws protect casinos from patrons who don't pay their debts.


Nevada law defines casino markers under NRS 205.130. It's interesting to note that defaulting on a casino marker is considered a criminal and civil offense. This means that a debtor could be facing jail time and fines in addition to a civil lawsuit.


It's common practice for Nevada casinos to offer a line of credit to their customers. This provides an incentive to gamble. This line of credit is often referred to as a "marker," and it works a bit like check. Customers who sign a marker are typically bound to redeem the marker within 30 days. If they fail to do so, then an arrest warrant may be issued.


The penalties for defaulting on a Nevada casino marker vary depending upon the amount involved. If it's less than $650, then the defendant may spend a maximum of six months in jail and pay a $1,000 fine. Larger default amounts may result in up to four years in prison and sizable fines and administrative fees.


Contact Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys if you have been accused of defaulting on a casino marker.

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